Launching a free online eBook - The process explained
Just finished up launching a new online eBook and I’d like to break down the process for you. The results so far have been great! (more than 1200 subscribers in 3 days and a 55% conversion rate of the landing page)
Not lying about the results
Here’s the final result before I dive in:
Here’s the page in 3 steps:
Step 1 - Landing page
Step 2 - Thank you page
Step 3 - Delivery page
Disclaimer 1: I’m not going to write about producing the said eBook or bringing traffic to the website in question, but rather outlining the steps I’ve followed in making this available and the process behind converting visitors to newsletter subscribers in order to download it.
UX goal
Let me start with the main goal: we would like to turn as much anonymous traffic into newsletter subscribers. Why? Because we want to build an emailing list. W...